Analog Man Tube Screamer specific Mod Form link to other mod form
Please fill out the info below, then
print and send it with your pedal to modify. More tech infod -> HERE
Choose your pedal from the list box on the left if it's there
(scroll the box for more).
Serial# or other ID, and Pedal type if not above:   Sent in orig Box?
$15 KWS HeavyDuty (9 series only) $5 Change LED to bright Red Grn Ylw Org Blu Power supply 9V $15 or 12V $18 $10 replace TS9/TS10 Switch (with a mod) $40 Maxon OD9/SD9 add round stomp bypass switch $20 replace TS808 Switch (with a mod) $4 new battery clip (with a mod) $12 tshirt s/m/l/xl/xxl rd/blu/blk $3 Analog Man Koozie can cooler, or 2/$5 |
logged collected payment correct tested pedal OK before mod completed mod on Mike OK'd for final test + ship final tested on |
Other charges, such as repair (please detail):
Return shipping info : Name :
Address :
Address :
City : State : Zip:
Country: Email:
Please print the above now (on just one page if possible, BE GREEN!) and include a copy with your pedal, after filling out the form boxes. Internet Explorer works best. The PRINT button may not work with older browsers, then select File Print or press CONTROL-P in your browser. See below for shipping and payment information.
Please send a money order (postal or bank money order) for the total above, made out to "Michael Píera". Or if it's easier, just put $US cash in the battery compartment, it will be OK. (Cash is cool and convenient, I hate waiting in line at the bank!). No checks, please, as I don't want to hold your pedal until a check clears, but Wells Fargo or Webster Bank checks are OK. Please send the pedal and payment to :
Míke Píera
Analog Man
1 Garella Rd Unit D
Bethel, CT 06801
Use this adress for fastest service. You can send it by US Priority mail, they can
even provide a folding box you can use. Don't use the little VCR tape box,
but a larger type. Put in lots of balled up newspaper or bubble wrap all around the pedal.
UPS or FEDEX are fine too in the USA. From overseas please use air mail, not UPS/FEDEX/DHL or
others to avoid making us bill you for their ridiculous customs and brokerage fees.
We'll complete your work within a few days (normally 2-3 days) and email when we ship it back.
Regards, mike ~^v^~ aNaLoG.MaN ~^v^~ vintage guitar effects