Analog Man sells Electro-Harmonix effects pedals

Vintage and Used EH effects | Big Muff Pedals | Deluxe Memory Man | Small Stone | Pedal Sizes | Power Supplies

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Small Stone Phaser with mods

The Small Stone is one of the coolest phasers made. We can only do the mods on the ones that look like the above model, not the earlier one with orange lettering. Starting in 2005 they came with true bypass, but the volume is cut a little when ON, while you usually want it at least as loud when ON. Our mod sets the volume the same, and includes an internal trim pot so you can set the volume just where you want it. We also put a second trim pot inside to control the FEEDBACK when you have the COLOR switch up. If left alone, the pedal can whistle with feedback when the volume is increased. This allows reducing the feedback to keep the sound OK. It also allows you to make the COLOR UP sound closer to the sound of the COLOR DOWN sound if you don't like it to be so crazy. Or if you want the whistling feedback you can dial some in. We can't do the volume and feedback mods on the early ones, just the ones with black and red graphics like the last reissue.

Here is a picture of the trim pots to give you an idea. They are marked at our favorite settings (no volume loss, normal extra amount of feedback in COLOR mode). Here is a closeup picture of a TRIM POT, turn the white center part with a small screwdriver. Our setting is marked with a black line.

Sorry we don't work on the Russian Small Stone pedals. They are really cheaply made pedals so it's not really worth modifying them. The switches are really weird, hard to mount a normal stomp switch. Also jacks are attached to the board so they need to be pulled off and replaced with normal jacks, so it's very expensive. The USA small stones are inexpensive even with our mods, a much better use of money than throwing good money at bad with the Russian pedals. We do mod the Russian Big Muffs because they sound great but it gets expensive.

For easy ordering, check out our new website . The new website uses a shopping cart for everything so it's very easy to buy multiple items or add in options. It allows using paypal in addition to several other payment methods including credit cards. It also keeps track of status, tracking numbers, etc and allow editing orders after they are placed so it's best to use our new website.

Modifying your Small Stone

We will put these volume and trim pots inside your Small Stone and adjust for no volume loss or squeal. This mod is $40 if you have a new (2004 or later usually) Small Stone which already has true bypass. To check for true bypass, open it up and look at the switch. It will have a blue switch with 6 or 7 wires on it if it has true bypass. If you want a true bypass mod PLUS the volume and feedback mod it is $70. Please fill out and send in our
MOD FORM which also explains your procedure for sending in the pedal.

We also can do an expression pedal mod for manual phase control using a normal 10K or so expression pedal like the boss EV-5. This is not a SPEED control, but manual phasing (like a wah pedal but phasing). When you unplug the expression pedal it does normal phasing just like the stock pedal. That is a $50 mod.

Big Muff Pi

12/00 The new USA made reissue Big Muff Pi is now available. It looks just like the old one from the late 70s and has the same sound with the classic 4 transistor circuit. Now these have True Bypass with the LED still functioning, at no extra charge!

For pricing and easy ordering, check out our new website . The new website uses a shopping cart for everything so it's very easy to buy multiple items or add in options. It allows using paypal in addition to several other payment methods including credit cards. It also keeps track of status, tracking numbers, etc and allow editing orders after they are placed so it's best to use our new website.

Russian SOVTEK Big Muff mods

These pedals sound great but are built poorly, with parts that can't easily be replaced and break easily. To make them worth using, we do a true bypass mod using a relay that's controlled by the stock switch. That keeps it looking cool and also it's hard to mount a normal stomp switch on some of these. We also can add a Boss type power jack. We replace the wires and jacks on the mod, and usually replace the pots too. We keep the same great sound when ON, but it will sound MUCH better when off, the stock pedals really suck your tone when they are off.

There are two different construction eras of the Sovteks. The older ones ("civil war" muffs, tall fonts, basically the enclosure with the die cast ridges on the side) are a pain to work on because the board is attached to the bottom plate, the cover is really hard to remove, and there's lots of wire clamps and weird routing inside that we redo. The later ones (bubble font and the black versions) do not take as much time so the mods are cheaper. See our MOD FORM for pricing and info on sending in your Sovtek Muff.

Deluxe Memory Man analog delay

OLD BIG BOX DMM is DISCONTINUED : New DMM XO is now available, see for more info.

  • EH Deluxe memory man with modulation, This is one of the best sounding ANALOG DELAYS available. If you blend in a TOUCH of the chorus along with the delay, you get a natural modulation of the delay, which sounds just like an echoplex or echorec delay. New in box (new for late 2004 cardboard boxes like the originals) We sell these with TRUE BYPASS. Without it, they are a bit DULL sounding when off, and even a little when ON. True bypass completely removes the effect from your circuit when the effect is OFF. With true bypass, the volume level may change when you switch the pedal ON, unless you set the LEVEL knob to match the off level. With true bypass, the POWER LED is changed into an on/off STATUS LED too, which is much more useable.

    In late 2004, along with the carboard boxes, there was a redesign on the switching. They are using relays now for true bypass. So if you lose power, the effect will switch to OFF and you will get your true bypassed dry sound. This also makes it easy to mod them for remote or MIDI switching.

    EH is still using the good NOS Japanese PANASONIC delay chips, not the cheap Chinese chips that most others are using in delays. I don't know how much longer they will have these chips.

    This pedal comes with a 24V dc adaptor instead of a 120V AC power cord. So it can be used in other countries by using the correct power adaptor, which we can supply. They used to have a built-in transformer and an AC cord, but that caused humming problems on many of the pedals (some even when off).

    We have some cables to run the DMM off the voodoo labs pedalpower2. If you have two of the first four (ACA compatible) outputs available, you can use two 12V PP2 outputs to make 24V for the DMM. These cables are $15, email for availability and an order form for buying a cable with the DMM.

    Sound Sample

    hell.mp3 Some Floyd textures - Run Like Hell. a Strat through my comprossor and silver tube screamer into the Deluxe Memory man at my favorite setting (with a touch of the CHORUS knob). (Analog Mike).

    Here is a video demo on

    DMM Mods

    For more info on our mods and the various chips used in the Memory Man, see my FAQ. If you want to send your DMM in for our mods please fill out and send in our
    MOD FORM which also explains your procedure for sending in the pedal. We can also add expression jacks for Feedback and Blend control using a standard 10K expression pedal like the Boss EV5.

    For easy ordering, check out our new website . The new website uses a shopping cart for everything so it's very easy to buy multiple items or add in options. It allows using paypal in addition to several other payment methods including credit cards. It also keeps track of status, tracking numbers, etc and allow editing orders after they are placed so it's best to use our new website.


  • Q-TRON envelope filter, updated Mutron-III

    For more info on how the Q-Tron is related to the Mu-Tron-III, see

    We can also mod these to add a MIX knob. When in MIX mode, you can set the blend of dry vs effected sound. The Mix knob will be on the top row next to the other knobs. The mix knob is available on the classic Q-tron or the XO version of the Q-tron and Q-tron+, not on the classic Q-Tron+. We came up with this mod for Mark Karan who is using it with RATDOG. Here is a PICTURE of the Q-Tron with the added mix knob on the top left. The knob is only functional when in MIX mode.

    Here is the MOD FORM which also explains your procedure for sending in the pedal.

    For easy ordering, or to get the MIX option, check out our new website . The new website uses a shopping cart for everything so it's very easy to buy multiple items or add in options. It allows using paypal in addition to several other payment methods including credit cards.

    Q-TRON+ ,envelope filter with added effects loop, now in small diecast box.

    For pricing and easy ordering, check out our new website . The new website uses a shopping cart for everything so it's very easy to buy multiple items or add in options. It allows using paypal in addition to several other payment methods including credit cards. It also keeps track of status, tracking numbers, etc and allow editing orders after they are placed so it's best to use our new website.


  • * European Power supply available for more EH pedals! We have Euro and UK plugs. Use for ordering a pedal including an overseas adaptor.

    Pedals above that need adaptors have them included. If they run on batteries there usually is a battery included and no power supply.

    We have some USA adaptors for most current and discontinued EHX pedals for $15 or so.

    For easy ordering, check out our new website . The new website uses a shopping cart for everything so it's very easy to buy multiple items or add in options. It allows using paypal in addition to several other payment methods including credit cards. It also keeps track of status, tracking numbers, etc and allow editing orders after they are placed so it's best to use our new website.

    Pedal Sizes

    Large old style EH effects (memory man etc) are 8" wide, 6.5" long and 2.5" tall.
    Medium old style EH effects (Big Muff) are 5.5" wide, 7" long, 3" tall
    Small old style EH effects (bass balls etc) are 3.5" wide, 5.5" long and 2.5" tall.
    Tube EH effects (hot tubes etc) are 5" wide, 8" long and 3.25" tall.
    New Micro Synths are about 6" wide and 5" long.

    E-H Power Supplies

    E-H pedals have many different power supplies. Here is a handy list. Note that specs may change and not all E-H pedals are the same. Most of these supplies are available in UK and Euro versions too.

    1. 7.5AC-400 - Hum Debugger
    2. 9DC-100 - 1/8" male plug like old E-H, Big Muff, Bassballs, Small Clone, Small Stone, Dr. Q, Mini Qtron, Octave Multiplexer, Double Muff, Pulsar
    3. 9DC-500 - higher power for Holy Grail.
    4. 9LDC-500 - L shaped plug, HOG, 16 second delay, Holiest grail, 2880
    5. 9.6DC-200BI - Our standard Boss/Ibanez type 9V adaptor also used for most E-H Nanos, Micros, etc, and that can run on a battery.
    6. 12AC-1000 - Odd shaped plug, a dot and a dash. Used for tube pedals like Hot Tubes, Tube Zipper, 12AY7 Mic Pre, Wiggler, Black Finger, LPB2ube, Tube EQ, English Muff'n, etc
    7. 18DC-500 - Barrel plug, Holier Grail, POG, Flanger Hoax
    8. 18AC-1000 - Bi-Filter
    9. 18DC-1000 - Barrel plug. Freedom amp
    10. 24DC-100 - 2.1mm barrel plug. Common E-H adaptor, For Micro Synths, Q-trons, Polychorus, Polyphase, Worm, Deluxe Electric Mistress, Deluxe Memory Man.
    11. 40DC-100 - Barrel plug. Frequency Analyzer, Graphic Fuzz, White Finger

    Vintage and used EH Effects

    1. '79 EH Little big muff pi. EH-3003 IC chip Big Muff board, true bypass mod, exc++ $195
    2. '70s EH "Volume pedal", big flat squarish one, $125
    3. '70s Doctor Q envelope Follower, bass/guitar, Exc+ $150
    4. '78 EH Bass Balls Dual dynamic Filter w/ distortion for Bass, exc $225
    5. '80 Bass Balls, Super clean! Near Mint $250

    Available Now! Chorus by aNaLoG.MaN!!!
    See our Analog Man CHORUS page for more info.

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