Hoax (Preliminary Manual)
Analog Man presents EH Flanger Hoax
Operating Instructions
The Flanger Hoax is one of the most powerful modulation instruments ever
designed. From shimmering static and active phasing to frequency adjustable
flanging, you will find that an exciting and new pallet of textures is at your
finger tips. The sheer number of variations available through both familiar, as
well as, advanced modulation controls will present you with the ability to
creatively shade as well as wildly animate your music in a way that really was
never possible at this price level. Your own creativity is your only
Connect your instrument or mixer effects send output, to the Input jack and run
a second cable from any or all of the three main outputs (Direct out, Blended
out or Effect out). You will learn which outputs will serve your purposes the
best in different situations. Hit the true bypass footswitch to activate and
get ready for a magically ethereal treat.
1. BLEND Knob: Mixes between the effect and dry signal. The counterclockwise
position is all dry, clockwise position is all effect. The result of the BLEND
Control goes out the BLENDED OUTPUT Jack.
FEEDBACK Knob: Sets the amount of signal that is fedback into both phase shift
circuits. The counterclockwise position gives you no feedback, the clockwise
position is maximum feedback.
WET Toggle Switch Position: In the wet position, the wet signal (which is at
the EFFECT OUTPUT Jack) is fedback to the phaser circuits.
OFF Toggle Switch Position: All feedback is turned off, no matter where the
FEEDBACK knob is set.
SWPT Toggle Switch Position: In the SWPT Position, the output of the Swept
Phaser is fedback into the Phaser circuits.
AMOUNT Knob: Controls the amount of modulation that sweeps the Swept Phaser. In
the counterclockwise position, there will be no modulation. In the clockwise
position you will have maximum modulation. The total phase shift range of the
Swept Phaser is 240 to 990 degrees.
RESPONSE Rotary Switch: Determines how the Swept Phaser reacts to the
modulation waveform. In LIN Mode, the Phaser reacts in a linear fashion, in LOG
mode, it reacts in a logarithmic fashion.
MODULATOR MODE Rotary Switch: This switch steps through the different phases of
the modulation waveform. When used in tandem with Delay modulation, interesting
effects arise when the Swept Phaser modulation is in or out of phase with the
Delay modulation. The right most position of this switch is DC mode. In DC
Mode, the Swept Phaser becomes a fixed Phaser where the amount of phase shift
is controlled by the AMOUNT Knob.
RATE Knob: Sets the frequency of the sine wave Modulator. The available
frequency range is from 0.07 Hz (14 Seconds) to 220 Hz.
DELAY MODE Switch: Selects between different phase shift combinations for the
modulating waveform that sweeps the Fixed Phaser Delay line and the Swept
Phaser Delay line:
Fixed Phaser Delay
Swept Phaser Delay
Mode 1: 0 Degree Phase Shift, 180 Degree Phase Shift
Mode 2: DC 180 Degree Phase Shift
Mode 3: 0 Degree Phase Shift DC
Mode 4: 90 Degree Phase Shift, 180 Degree Phase Shift
Mode 5: DC
In DC Mode, the delay time is set by the Delay Amount knobs, described in the
following two sections.
5. FIXED and SWEPT PHASER Sections: The Flanger Hoax has two independent phase
shifter circuits: a FIXED Phaser and SWEPT Phaser. The FIXED Phaser is set to a
phase shift of 240 Degrees. The SWEPT Phaser varies from 240 to 990 Degrees.
These two phase shift sections run parallel to each other. The output of each
phase shifter goes into its own Delay line circuit. The FIXED and SWEPT Phaser
blocks on the right side of the Flanger Hoax have similar controls, though the
SWEPT PHASER has additional controls in the SWEPT PHASER CONTROL Block:
DELAY AMOUNT: Controls the amplitude of the sine wave that modulates the delay
time or when set to DC mode, sets the delay time. The DELAY MODE Switch in the
MODULATOR section chooses between waveform modulation or DC, see the chart
above. The range of delay time is 1 ms to 11 ms.
FIXED/BYPASS Toggle Switch: Either bypasses the FIXED Phaser circuit or enables
it. When in Bypass, the audio signal will go around the FIXED Phaser circuit
and then into its Delay line. When in Fixed mode, the audio signal goes through
the FIXED Phaser and then into its Delay line.
SWEPT/BYPASS Toggle Switch: Either bypasses the SWEPT Phaser circuit or enables
it. When in Bypass, the audio signal will go around the SWEPT Phaser circuit
and then into its Delay line. When in Fixed mode, the audio signal goes through
the SWEPT Phaser and then into its Delay line.
INVERT Toggle Switch: This switch inverts the output of the FIXED Phaser block
after its Delay line circuitry. By enabling the INVERT Switch , you add 180o
more phase shift to the FIXED Phaser output. The SWEPT Phaser does not have an
invert switch.